Dr. Tarik Mitchell

Dental Boards Score Report
What are some pieces of advice you would give to another student preparing to take the Dental Boards?
In preparation to take your dental boards it is important to create a study focused environment. A study focused environment is one that limits distractions as much as possible. For instance, I did not allow my phone to be in my study room. Our phones are amazing tools, but we’ve become so accustomed to them and to utilizing them for just about everything that they at time become unknowingly distractors .
Since this is probably most of our truths it is important that we do not study with our phones on our person. We should or can check our phones during study breaks which are also really important. Study breaks should be taken every 45mins to 1hr or so… or whenever you realize that you’re not focused.
Creating a study focused studying environment is a crucial component for being successful in your studies.
How did you use iDentalBoards.com to prepare for the Dental Boards?
Crack was such an amazing resource. Initially I would do two different subject test per day and then check my answers after the exam. I would check all of my answers but I’d take notes on the questions I got wrong and on the questions that I got right but my concept or approach was wrong. So basically I’d wrote down what I got wrong and what I luckily got right. For the questions I put the concept that the question was asking in Anki and would quiz myself until I became proficient. I later switch to practice mode when taking the subject test. This is far more efficient. I would check my answers in thirds. All in all crack is a must when preparing for part 1. The level of difficulty with the Crack questions had me more than ready for part1. I was literally familiar with everything asked during the part 1 exam.
What would you do differently to prepare for the Dental Boards?
Me personally, I wouldn’t do anything different. I believe that my preparation was really good and having passed part 1 I presume that I might be on to something. Understanding the seriousness of the exam but not putting too much pressure on yourself is very important.
I firmly believe that being able to focus and absorb the information is key. As well as proper rest, proper eating, and exercise. I got at least 8hrs of sleep when studying for this exam, I eliminated distractions and was able to focus (no phones in your study area), and I made sure to exercise. All of these things will help manage the natural stress that may arise from this exam.
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